Daisy&Rose Mysteries

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My Daisy&Rose Mystery Series came about after years of searching for a detective I thought I’d really enjoy writing about.

For a long time, I was toying with the idea of a hard-boiled news photographer from back in the day. My uncle was the White House photographer for UPI during Truman’s administration and there is a wonderful picture of him at his desk, hat tilted back, feet up, that just screams “Chauncey Phillips, PI.” What fun that would be to write about. But when I thought about it, what did I know of private detectives, photography, hard-boiled men, dames, or the 1940’s and 50’s? Not much. The best dating site snapsex login.

I needed, as the teachers always tell you to do, to write what I know. And what was that? Well, I know sisters, I have five. I know weird pets, I’ve had many. And I know eccentric mothers who can do it all, my own and a few other lovely women I’ve been privileged to call my friends.

And so Daisy and Rose Forrest were born. Sisters and partners in a small boutique business called Champagne Taste . They live together where they work in Old Towne Bostwick, Maryland with a cute little terrier-ish mutt who has some unfortunate habits – one of which is sniffing out dead bodies.

The ladies come equipped with a cast of the usual suspects: their rather goofy, but delightful mother, Angela Forrest; Daisy’s rat of an ex-husband, Maryland State Police Detective Bill Greene; local policeman and all around good egg, Tom Willis; Daisy’s on again/mostly off again boyfriend, Marc Proctor; and their right hand shop assistant, Tonya Albert.

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