Angela’s Recipes to Die For

My name is Angela Delphinium Forrest. As a result of a drastic change in my life my girls, Daisy, Rose and Marigold, have decided that I need a hobby. They suggested a blog. This sounded kind of fun, but of course, I don’t want to bore anyone with my rather pedestrian day-to-day existence. So I’ve decided to share some of my favorite recipes with you, as well as the occasional tidbit of life in the slow lane. The best dating site snapsex login.

How this came about is simple. I was the victim of a sad, but not uncommon occurrence. After years of what I thought was a happy, if not exactly exciting, marriage, I discovered that it was not. Dickie dumped me. This is really the only way to put it.

We were living in an apartment in Washington DC having been nomads for years due to his job with the State Department. And it had been quite fun taking the girls around the world. But he was finally stationed in the city for good and we were house hunting.

Well, I was house hunting. Dickie was looking for something else entirely. I stopped by a particularly promising home outside Annapolis for a second look only to find that Dickie was already there with Rebecca, our real estate agent.

Unfortunately, when I threw open the door of what was to be our master bedroom I found that the two of them seemed to be in close conference with the bed. As they were both in a state of dishabille, shall we say, I didn’t stop to linger over the walk-in closet, the Jacuzzi in the master bath, or the lovely little recessed window nook. I simply said, “Oh,” and made a beeline for my lawyer’s office.

I am forgiving of many things, but the sight of Dickie and Rebecca’s bare bottoms is something I knew would be forever burned on my brain. You just cannot un-see something like that. It was never going to be the same.


I found out the next morning that dear Dickie had drained our joint accounts (not to worry, my father left me quite the tidy trust fund that dear Dickie could not touch), quit his job, and had purchased a one way ticket to Paris. So there I was alone with my girls, time on my hands, and not much to do. I was sleeping too much and watching reality TV. Daisy, Rose and Marigold were concerned. So they unplugged the TV, set the alarm, and enrolled me in a bar tending class and a cooking class. And so it begins. I hope you enjoy my go-to stress relievers, Shrimp Cocktail and the old, reliable Vodka Tonic.


1 lb. shrimp, unshelled

1 recipe court-bouillon

Bring cold court-bouillon to boil.  Add shrimp and bring to boil again. Cover and remove from heat immediately. Let sit covered 5 to 8 minutes (depending on size of shrimp) or until they are bright pink.

Drain and cool immediately under cold running water. Let stand for 5 minutes before handling.

Peel and refrigerate until serving.


Bouquet Garni

2 qt. water

1 cup white wine

1 T. salt

1 small carrot, chopped

2 stalks celery, ribs and leaves, cut in 4

Combine all ingredients in a 6 qt. pot and bring to boil over high heat.  Partially cover pot, reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes. Remove bouquet and strain through a sieve.

Bouquet Garni

3-4 springs fresh parsley or 1 tsp. dried

1 small bay leaf

½ tsp. dried thyme

Several peppercorns

Combine and put into small cloth bag.


Pour into an old-fashioned cocktail glass:
1½ oz. Vodka of your choice
Juice of ¼ lime
½ tsp. sugar (optional)
Add 5 ice cubes
Top with tonic water
Give a stir and enjoy.

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