I totally identify with that email that goes around now and then about the woman who goes to the kitchen in the morning, pours milk on her cereal, sees her car keys, remembers the bag of fruit she left in the car, dashes outside to get it, notices the dog’s paws are muddy, turns on the hose to rinse the dog, but sees that the petunias are drooping, turns to water them, glances at her watch and realizes how late she is. With car keys in hand she hops into the car and leaves for work. On her way home she smells something very odd the whole drive. She remembers the bag of fruit – really hot bananas. Upon arriving at her little castle she finds the front door open, the hose still running, the petunias washed away, the dog rolling in the mud, and a bowl of disgusting mush sitting on her counter attracting flies.
That’s me. Although I have no dog and the cats wouldn’t let me near them with a hose. Just a minute…Sorry. I’m back. Had to put in a load of laundry. Trying to find the time to write, even just a Friday blog, is quite a challenge for me. I hear the mailman… No very large check from the Maryland Lottery. Perhaps tomorrow.
Today I’ve been pretty focused. I managed breakfast and a trip to the salon for a haircut uninterrupted…I’ve got to get my iced tea. Where was I? Today. Yes, I started a craft project, a cute little cigar box jewelry box, but got sidetracked looking for feet and ate lunch instead. I read a book with lunch and realized I really need to be writing something. So I started a short story for Intrigue Publishing’s September conference. However, while I was at the computer I stopped to check something on my health insurance’s website. Which reminded me to call my daughter regarding my own website which is in need of an update.
Meanwhile, ever present in my mind is that four letter word – Dinner! Yes, I can count, but anyone who has made dinner most every night for going on forty-two years knows what I mean. It’s always there, lurking in my head. But dinner or not I have left my character, Angela Delphinium Forrest, standing on a street corner in Annapolis with her dog, Percy, and it’s really chilly! And she’s just getting over the flu. I need to get them home.
But the short story isn’t due for while, and I’ve promised myself I’d blog every week. So I’ll work on the blog. Excuse me, if I don’t make the bed now, I’ll forget and my husband will just fall asleep on the mattress cover.
I’m back. Now, iron will! I will get Angela and Percy off that corner before they are arrested for vagrancy or worse! I have absolute certainty that they will be well on their way home by five o’clock this afternoon. But first, just let me put the sheets in the drier and give my son a call. He’s not feeling well. Okay. Back to work. Right after I trim this hangnail that’s bugging me silly.